You just got engaged. Congratulations! Before you're bombarded with questions from everyone asking for all the details of your wedding, and before you start planning, it's important to take care of you! Wedding planning can quickly become one of the most stressful and overwhelming times of your life. Don't let it! Prioritize your self care now with the top 3 tips below.
Find your peace. If you never intentionally practiced self care before, it might be hard to find something that is effective for you. Explore and practice different strategies until you find what speaks to you. There's no right or wrong, do what is helpful and healthy!
Remember that you are multi faceted. Oftentimes when people hear the phrase "self care" they have a picture of someone relaxing in a bubble bath or meditating. If that works for you, great, but remember that you are mind, body, soul and spirit. Your self care strategies should touch on all four. Immerse all five senses for your body, practice a strategy that will help with your relational, physical, mental and emotional health. Journal, have a good laugh with friends, get out in nature. Allow all facets of your being to be truly cared for.
Trust your planner! Trust the experience and expertise of your wedding planner to handle the major tasks of preparing for your wedding, without stressing if things will get done. Communicate and collaborate with your planner to have your questions answered, so you're clear on what specific tasks they are doing &when, and what tasks you can take care of.
We offer customized and personalised self care guides and stress reduction techniques for the planning couple, as well as tips&strategies for conflict resolution and effective communication with wedding party and family members, as part of our Diamond, Platinum, and Just the Essentials packages. Schedule a free consultation today.
Happy planning!